McNeal Professional Services prides itself on hiring qualified, experienced professionals that can add value to our current service offerings. As an employee, the importance of your contribution cannot be overstated. Each employee is important part of the team because your work directly influences the reputation of McNeal Professional Services, Inc.
At McNeal our business is founded on a core set of values to hire good people and empower them, focus on solutions, do what we say we are going to do and have fun. We achieve this by creating a work environment that balances between work and family life to influence a positive impact of the lives employees. McNeal creates an enjoyable play to win environment and relaxed atmosphere through group activities and events each year.
Our employees are actively involved in a variety of activities throughout the year to touch the lives of those around them in the following unique ways: Company Outings, Adopt-a Family Sponsorship programs, Holiday Food Drives, Monthly Employee Appreciation gatherings, and Lunch-N-Learn sessions.
Scientist II for McNeal Professional Services, Inc.
To report to our Kennesaw, GA HQ location but working at multiple unanticipated locations in USA
Design + perf lab expts to ident + understand mechs of resistance of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to bacteriophage K + rel bacteriophages. Plan, dev, implement, + mnge study expts + protocols. Perf basic + advanced lab procs incl bacterial gen manip, bacterial culture, PCR, qPCR, protein expression + purification, bacteriophage propagation, + whole genome sequencing anlys. Dev novel tools for gen manip of bacteriophage. Work w/ staff to keep lab safe + clean, + replenishing used supplies as needed. Maintain gov’t-owned recs of expts, SOPs, + data in hard copy laboratory notebooks, as well as in electronic versions made available to PI + others in lab. Read current lit re rel rsrch to aid in technique dvlpmnt + exptl design. Summarize prog to present at int lab mtngs, participate + present rslts at divisional seminars. Prep rslts + work w/ PI to write + edit publications to submit to peer-reviewed sci jrnls. Per mission-critical rsrch determine mechs of MRSA resistance to bacteriophage K + rel bacteriophages to invest new treatment of MRSA. Must have MD or PhD in microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry or other rel sci field and 2 yrs rel exp in biological research. Also requires skills (2 yrs exp) in: bacteriophage therapy research; and advanced laboratory procedures, including bacterial genetic manipulation, bacterial culture, PCR, protein expression and purification, bacteriophage propagation, and whole genome sequencing analysis.
Required experience and skills can be gained concurrent with academic studies. Resume to Leslie McNeal, lmcneal@mcnealpro.com.